miss honest

A tiny seed bottled inside, once broke out into a poem. The poetess loved it so much that even the spelling mistakes were spared.

Thursday, October 05, 2006


A pale yellow, kajol black
The yellow fading at times
and then becoming bold,
Sometimes orange, sometimes brown
That was me, a portrait.
Out in the sunshine I stayed all alone
A spectacle for others
They looked at me and smiled.
Then one day it started raining
Colours dripped from the canvass
I was melting
Where was I then?
On the canvass like a faded memory,
Or rushing along that rain,
Where was I?

Sunday, October 01, 2006


Seconds dragged one minute, then another.
The lion waited; so did the prey.
There was no way to run.
And no hunger to kill.
Time moved on;
Clocks ticked on without fail.
Then the moment came,
The hare closed its eyes,
The lion took a leap.
Two more seconds.
Eyes opened, astonished
The hare searched for the lion.